TrevorHome is a Capital Campaign for The Trevor Project to create safe housing for homeless queer youth.

We wanted to be able to connect and create a safe environment to help teens get back on their feet. TrevorHome would offer basic life skills, a GED program but most of all a support system to fall back on.

Project Strategy


Our primary demographics strategy is to help at-risk queer youths who need professional support and care. TrevorHome is secure housing offered by The Trevor Project that can step in and help kids that have no other option.


Our secondary demographics strategy is for donors to experience the positive impact that their donations are having on the queer community. Unlike other charities TrevorHome has real installations that donor can see and feel that their money is going to a cause not a CEO’s pockets.


Color Palette

Our selection of color palette is a dance of youthfulness without treading into immaturity. We replicated commonly used hues and tones from the imagery and art that inspired us.


We need to exude both professionalism and approachability. Omne’s rounded and angular elements addressed all of our needs.

Logo Design

minimum size
Black and white

Product Design

The Home

TrevorHome is set up to cater to the various needs of homeless LGBTQ young adults. Residents at the TrevorHome are housed in two-bedroom dorms where the everyday struggles of homeless life are mitigated. While we take care of the day-to-day residents are open to using multiple house amenities and resources to help get them back on their feet. Residents at TrevorHome can expect access to counseling, job placement, and GED accreditation programs amongst the many other services provided.

First floor (office space)
second floor (Living space)
Third floor (bedrooms)

Care Package

Collapsible Duffel Bag


  1. Band-aids

  2. Portable tissues

  3. Q-Tips

  4. Chocolate Bar

  5. Toothbrush

  6. Toothpaste

  7. Mouthwash

  8. TrevorZine

  9. TrevorHoodie

Zine Design


Want to see the complete interactive brand book that will take you through every detail of the project?

Designer - Mary Celeste

Art Director - Micah Tiffin

Copywriter - Ryne Mitra